
'Fauna Ibérica' Series
Volume 5 - Coleoptera Oedemeridae, Phytidae, Pyrochroidae

X. Vazquez Albalate

Madrid, 1993. 181 pp. ISBN: 84-00-06109-8.


This book is the first synthetic revision of the fauna of Coleoptera Tenebrionoidea belonging to the families Oedemeridae (43 species), Pyrochroidae (3 species), Pythidae (1 species) and Mycteridae (2 species) from the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands. It begins with a key to identify the 19 Tenebrionoidea families occuring in the studied area. It contains dichotomic keys, descriptions and illustrations of each species as well as data on geographical distribution and natural history. An exhaustive bibliography and an updated revision of the nomenclarure of all species are provided as well.


  • • Superfamily Tenebrionoidea. General introduction
  • • Key of families
  • • Family Oedemeridae
    • Introduction
    • Systematic position and geographical distribution of Oedemeridae
    • Morphology and adult anatomy
    • Characteristics of not adult phases
    • Natural history of Oedemeridae
    • Collection, conservation and study methods
    • The Iberian Oedemeridae
      • Key of subfamilies
      • Subfamily Nacernidae
      • Key of tribes
      • Tribe Ditylini
      • Tribe Nacerdini
      • Subfamily Calopodinae
      • Subfamily Oedemerinae
      • Key of tribes
      • Tribe Asclerini
      • Tribe Oedemerini
      • Tribe Stenostomatini
  • • Family Pyrochroidae
    • Introduction
    • Systematic position and geographical distribution of Pyrochroidae
    • Morphology and adult anatomy
    • Characteristics of not adult phases
    • Natural history of Pyrochroidae
    • Collection, conservation and study methods
    • The Iberian Pyrochroidae
  • • Family Pythidae
    • Introduction
    • Systematic position and geographical distribution of Pythidae
    • Morphology and adult anatomy
    • Characteristics of not adult phases
    • Natural history of Pythidae
    • Collection, conservation and study methods
    • The Iberian Pythidae
  • • Family Mycteridae
    • Introduction
    • Systematic position and geographical distribution of Mycteridae
    • Morphology and adult anatomy
    • Characteristics of non adult phases
    • Natural history of Mycteridae
    • Collection, conservation and study methods
    • The Iberian Mycteridae
  • • Bibliography
  • • Appendix 1. Nomenclature: Synonims and combinations list
  • • Alphabetic index of taxonomical names of Iberian-Balearic Oedemeridae, Pyrochroidae, Pythidae and Mycteridae


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