
'Fauna Ibérica' Series
Volume 2 - Coleoptera Anobiidae

Francisco Español

Madrid, 1992. 195 pp. ISBN: 84-00-07270-7.


This is the first synthesis about the anobiid coleoptera in the Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands. It deals with 92 species of deathwacth beetles belonging to 8 subfamilies. This work provides identification keys, descriptions and illustrations of each species as well as information about their geographical distribution and biology. The book supplies a complete bibliography and an updated revision about the anobiid systematic nomenclature.


  • • Introduction
  • • Systematic position and geographical distribution of Anobiidae
  • • Morphology and adult anatomy
  • • Characteristics of not adult phase
  • • Natural history of Anobiidae
  • • Collection, conservation and study methods
  • • The Iberian Anobiidae
    • Family Anobiidae
    • Key of subfamilies
    • Subfamily Hedobiinae
    • Subfamily Dryophilinae
    • Subfamily Ernobiinae
    • Subfamily Anobiinae
    • Subfamily Ptilininae
    • Subfamily Xyletininae
    • Subfamily Tricoryninae
    • Subfamily Dorcatominae
  • • Bibliography
  • • Appendix 1. Nomenclature: Synonims and combinations list
  • • Alphabetic index of taxonomical names of Iberian-Balearic Anobiidae


versión española