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José Ignacio Saiz Salinas

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[Research] [Fauna Iberica ] [Academic Positions] [Qualifications] [Projects] [Publications]

Main Field of Research

A sound taxonomic training is crucial to understand how diversity operates. Sipunculan worms, when worked on a worldwide basis, allow to observe the progressive adaptation of an animal 'bauplan' to several marine contrasting biotopes. A good start was the respect for the ancient taxonomic work of many pioneering naturalists, a feature which led to a careful re-description of many old sipunculan types, housed in the collections of different European Museums of Natural History. Later on, my interest was to produce a complete review of the Iberian sipunculan fauna (volume IV). Finally the international cooperation with US and other European colleagues gave me the opportunity to accomplish some other faunal works from remote areas such as Antarctica and the deep-sea

Systematic groups studied in the Iberian Fauna Project

Phylum: Sipuncula Class: Sipunculidea, Phascolosomatidea
Orders: Sipunculiformes, Golfingiiformes, Phascolosomatiformes, Aspidosiphoniformes
Families: Sipunculidae, Golfingiidae, Phascoliidae, Phascolosomatidae, Aspidosiphonidae

Academic Positions

- Full Professor of Zoology. University of the Basque Country (Bilbao, Spain) (1999 +).

- Lecturer of Zoology. University of the Basque Country (Bilbao, Spain) (1988-99).

- Post-doctoral scholar in "Zoologisches Museum und Institut" (Hamburg, Germany) and "Senckenberg Institut" (Frankfurt/Main, Germany) (1985).

- Post graduate scholar in "Laboratoire des Vers" located at the "Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle" (Paris, France) (1981-82).


Professional Qualifications

- PhD in Biological Sciences, University of the Basque Country (Bilbao, Spain) (1983).

- Master Thesis, University of the Basque Country (Bilbao, Spain) (1980).

- BSc, Biology, University of the Basque Country (Bilbao, Spain) (1980).

Research Projects and Grants

- Iberian Fauna I. CSIC-DGICYT: PB 87-0397. (1987-89).

- Benthic fauna from Antarctica. Funded by the Spanish CICYT. Ref.: ANT93-0996, ANT-1161/94-E, ANT95-1011, CGL2004-01856/ANT (1994-2007).

- The Sipuncula and Echiura from the United States Antarctic Program. Funded by the Smithsonian Institution at Washington DC (USA). (1999-2000)



- Saiz Salinas, J.I. 1983. Los tipos de sipuncúlidos de De Quatrefages del Museo de París. Servicio Editorial de la Univ. País Vasco, Bilbao, 258 pp.

- Saiz Salinas, J.I. 1984: Types et descriptions ignorés de Sipunculiens (Sipuncula) de la collection De Rochebrune (1881). Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, 6A: 989-997.

- Saiz Salinas, J.I. 1988: Sipunculiden (Sipuncula) des östlichen Nordatlantik, gesammelt während der Fahrten des FS "Meteor". Mitteilungen aus dem Hamburgischen Zoologischen Museum und Institut, Hamburg, 85: 7-23.

- Saiz Salinas, J.I., 1993. Sipuncula. In: Fauna Ibérica, vol. 4. Ramos, M.A. et al. (eds.) Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, CSIC. Madrid. 200 pp.

- Saiz Salinas, J.I. 1995. Sipuncula of the southeastern Weddell Sea (Antarctica). Polar Biology, 15: 307-317.

- Pagola Carte, S. & J.I. Saiz Salinas, 2000. Sipuncula from Hainan Island (China). Journal of Natural History, Vol.: 34, Pág.: 2187-2207.

- Diying, H., J.Y. Chen, J. Vannier, & J.I. Saiz Salinas, J.I., 2004. Early Cambrian sipunculan worms from southwest China. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Ser. B. Biological Sciences, Vol. 271 (1549) : 1671-1676.

Please Contact

Dep Zoology & ACB
Univ Basque Country
E - 48080 BILBAO, PO Box 644

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